"The attacks that the leader of the opposition is choosing to make against the Ukrainian Canadian Congress demonstrates the extent to which this Conservative Party no longer stands with Ukraine," Trudeau said.
In this episode of Stand on Guard, host David Krayden reports on how Justin Trudeau is really upset about Pierre Poilievre is standing with what Trudeau & CBC think are horrible deplorables! Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre joined a carbon tax protest and called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a liar. Asked about the incident, Trudeau made the erroneous claim that the protesters were from Diagolon and cried about Alex Jones endorsing Poilievre! We also discuss how Trudeau's Budget 2024 is a big economic bomb with everyone including this YouTube Channel. And examine the spending that is causing huge inflation and interest rates in the USA and Canada.
Fight Back on Bill C-63, Online Harms Act
-Contact Your Member of Parliament https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en
-Sign the Justice Centre’s “Stop the Online Harms Act Petition” https://www.jccf.ca/petitions/
WATCH Trudeau's delusional dance this weekend in Markham Ontario. He is truly losing it!
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"I can’t believe I have to say this: but when I’m PM, there will be no male prisoners in female jails. Period." https://thepostmillennial.com/poilievre-slams-trudeau-liberals-policy-of-letting-men-serve-time-in-womens-prisons-after-sadistic-killer-says-hes-female
Call and email your MPs to tell them NO to Nuclear war with Russia. No long-range NATO missiles into Russia. Here is where to contact your MPs: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search
"The attacks that the leader of the opposition is choosing to make against the Ukrainian Canadian Congress demonstrates the extent to which this Conservative Party no longer stands with Ukraine," Trudeau said.
My Article in the Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/david-krayden-poilievre-the-first-conservative-leader-in-a-while-to-deal-with-media-on-his-terms-5564881
But if there’s any time left, it’s time to fight back.
No matter where you live, you must continue to resolve to resist authoritarianism. The tyranny was once encroaching upon our society; now it is swamping us. For Americans, it must be not just America first but democracy first. The crisis is not in Ukraine or Gaza; it is at the southern border and in your own backyard. That is a crisis you can solve by electing people who care about freedom.